
6 Ways to Stay Focused while Studying Best study tips, Exam study tips, Effective study tips

Now that we are back to normal school, make sure to limit total screen time during the day. Doctors recommend that total screen time during the day for young kids does not exceed more than 2 hours. Experts believe that excessive screen daily information time may hamper in children’s social interaction as well as learning ability. The world is changing rapidly, and the competition is fierce. The only way to get ahead in this competitive environment is to be the best you can be.

Instead of saying “I want to do well in exams”, be more precise about your goal and write it down. There can be numerous reasons such as social media, procrastination, time mismanagement, and friends and family that won’t let you stick to your study schedule. Even if you start well in an academic year, gradually you might lose motivation or interest in the subject. Once a child is in primary school, she starts getting some amount of homework every few days and it keeps increasing the child moves up the grades. In such case, we sometimes feel the urge to immediately start looking at the homework as they come from school, which can demotivate children tremendously. They can change, freshen up, eat something, rest a bit, read or do anything they like. After they have had this one hour, you can ask them about homework and tell them to work on it.

Here are the tips to stay focused on studies in class 11th. Studying for long hours can make anyone feel mentally drained. So it is important to follow the right methods which can enable you to sit and study for long hours.

how to focus on studies

So, try different areas to concentrate at the optimum level for efficient study. Based on this data, we can conclude that ideal temperatures increase efficiency. The perfect temperature is a great way to improve focus when studying. Concentrating on gaining knowledge rather than on securing high grades reduces the stress of studying.

Set goals for each day

If tasks included in your list are big tasks like completing a whole unit then you can divide it down to smaller tasks like completing 5 pages. When you add big tasks in your list then the chances of leaving it in the middle increases due to it being more time consuming. If you add smaller tasks in your list, then you will be able to complete it faster.

Instead, focus on your strengths and what you can do to improve your situation. A study shows that people who are depressed tend to be less likely to take action. People with depression are more likely to think negatively about themselves, their situation, and what they have control over. They also feel sad, anxious, hopeless, guilty, ashamed, angry, or worthless. If you are not taking good care of yourself, you are more likely to feel worse than ever. You should eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. Depression is a common mental health problem in young adults.

How to Stay Focused While Studying

Even if someone wants to pass their time with you on calls and messages, it’s your turn to leave them. The first thing you should keep on priorities is your goal. Every Sunday I, Ankit Avasthi organise Sunday Warta session on my YouTube Channel, Ankit Inspires India. Many of my students and friends come live so that we can have live discussion there. A number of students who come live to talk to me on my channel have different kinds of problems they are facing in their lives.

One way to review your progress is to set goals for each study session. For example, you may want to finish a chapter in a textbook or complete a certain number of problems in a math assignment. Write down your goals for each study session and then check them off when you are finished. Electronic gadgets are the main source of distraction today. Social Media including video sites kill precious time of students. Studying in a place where the television is being watched or other children are having fun will lead to unwanted distractions.

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This means that you feel sad, hopeless, or even guilty. If you’ve been feeling down for a long time, it’s important to talk to someone. Talking about how you are feeling can help you deal with the problem. You might want to speak to a counselor, a friend, a family member, or even a doctor. People who are depressed often lose interest in things that used to bring them joy. For example, if you’re not taking care of yourself properly, then you’ll end up getting sick. This will affect your ability to work, which could mean that you won’t make as much money.

Most research shows that a temperature between 20 to 25 degrees Celsius is conducive to a good studying atmosphere. Eggs are rich in protein and omega 3 fatty acids, eggs improve memory, focus, and cognitive functions. Organize your table, your books, and stationery such that they are a hand reach away from you.

The key here is being realistic about what you can accomplish in one day–and then breaking down these larger projects into smaller steps that are more manageable. Studying is quite a mentally taxing and demanding activity, so it makes sense why it inspires inertia. Keeping focus during studying can feel like a constant battle for anyone, you’re not alone! The issue is only made tricky given we live in this digital age, with its continuous distractions and diversions. A balance of everything is essential for focusing and studying for long hours.

While preparing for exams, we usually fail do to physical exercises. There are many exercises which can help you to increase your concentration and memorize things faster. You are advised to do at least minutes of physical exercise daily. As physical exercise helps in oxygen intake and release relaxing hormones, such as endorphins which reduces stress level. Taking exercise breaks during studies, helps us in retaining new information. Sometimes even a short walk or a jog is enough to restart your brain. So, invest your time wisely in studies as well as in healthy lifestyle.

So if you want to concentrate on what you are studying, multitasking is something you should stay away from. By studying in the learning style you enjoy, you will grasp faster and remember longer. Read our blog on different types of learning styles to know about it. Do you enjoy studying by watching a teaching video or listening to an audiobook or performing the activity yourself practically? Whatever learning style you prefer, that is the best way to study for you.

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